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Writer's pictureHope In The Harvest


If you follow us on Facebook you had the chance to see this - A FIRST AT THE ARC and we think in Liberia is the manufacturing of a Basic Utility Vehicle! Thanks to some ingenuity and the constant push from Pastor Bill "There must be a better way" this BUV was manufactured using the Purdue PUP as a prototype. It is powered by a 12 HP diesel engine. Total production cost for materials: $2,900. Congratulations to Moses and his team! This is very exciting to see because potentially another business, made in Liberia, from Liberia parts at hand, all growing and developing Liberia.



Michael Dahn is very good at sending pictures of the work he is doing or over seeing, whether it is from Farming God's Way, tending the palm nursery, or out and about in Ganta he will remember to send pictures for the newsletter. At the beginning of the month he took a picture of the newly planted bean field; see the picture below.

At the end of May he took another picture - WOW! Way to go team!



YUMMY, YUM, YUM! What else can you say but YUMMY - look at those cannolis. How amazing is this? Cannolis, one, made from Goat cheese, and two, they used green bamboo to form the shells in order too deep fry them. What innovation!

And here is Mother Holly overseeing the goat milking.

We are always grateful for the support we receive for our projects. Please consider donating today to the work being shared, learned, and grow at the ARC in Liberia.



We are very thankful to the Colfax United Methodist Church as this year they generously decided to support a project of HITHMI for the Lent project. With their gift the mission was able to purchase and electric solar fence charging system. This was really needed to keep goats separated and to put into practice rotational grazing. As you can see below the goats are "baaa - ery" happy about their new addition.



For the month of May the team at the ARC has been very busy. Our missionaries Anna and Nathan continue to work very hard for the students, staff, and community peoples. They take time to provide the best education and opportunity for self learning and questions, that is no small thing. We also saw Bill and Holly off on a well deserved furlough (but they never rest) back to the USA.

This month in addition to our busy tours (we had over 600 people visit the ARC) we hosted the Agriculture Day Program on Saturday May 21s. The rain started us off slow but it was a great day. There was another Agriculture Certificate Program that took place with many people coming to learn, thank you to the kind people who sponsored students to attend, not everyone can attend LICC so this type of program really helps us grow knowledge in Liberia. 4-H Liberia came to do some training at the ARC, we always enjoys hosting and seeing them on campus.

We brought in over 200 broilers/layers chicks so we will have plenty of livestock to manage, grow, and sell. We are working very hard to be a viable entity as a way to see Liberia developed not stuck in aid and chasing money. Thank you for your help in supporting us in that process. We have come along way together with you. This year, this month in fact ten years ago, was when the first members of Hope In Harvest Missions International (actually HITHMI was not even formed until after their visit) came to LICC for a look around. Thank you for seeing the possibility that we have when we trust God to grow us together in His word for the transformation of man's heart and agriculture development. May God continue to use you as we grow.

Please pray as the HITHMI board works to engage potentially new missionaries for short terms or longer to join our team on the field. We really look forward to meeting you!

Please pray along with us that we will manage what we learn, put it into practice for our children and communities to see and do. Pray as we continue to make improvements that come with changes that are not always easy to make.

We thank God for His unmerited grace and intervention which is adding values to the ARC gradually.

Best regards!


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