This month at the ARC the team witnessed the public declaration of a life transformed by Christ in the baptism of three young men who are students at LICC and work a the ARC: Thomas (bright green shirt), Jerry (blue camo shirt), and Emmanuel (white tank). Thomas has been a part of the ARC before the ARC was the ARC. He worked on the day labor crew building the LICC library and building the ARC. During Ebola Jerry came seeking to work as a day labor to save funds for his education. Both Thomas and Jerry are sponsored students through Hope In The Harvest Missions International. Emmanuel has joined the ARC team more recently. Over the past few months the team has been reading through 1 Corinthians and the idea of baptism has come up a few times in discussions. Not unlike any where in the world, there are many misconceptions about baptism here in Liberia which keep people from being baptized taking part in a beautiful union with God and the freedom of the Holy Spirit. In discussing all these various misconceptions and reading what the Bible says about baptism and our relationship with God, we had three young men express the desire to be baptized.
Please join us in celebrating these brothers in Christ and pray for them as they seek to grow closer to and honor God with their lives wholeheartedly
Join us as we celebrate our good news we have reached our vehicle goal! We are in the process of looking for a new vehicle as we have our funds to purchase a new to us Land Cruiser. We have two more goals to reach and thanks to a generous donor we have another matching grant - if we raise $15,000 by January 2022 our $15,000 raised will be matched by $15,000.00! We are very very grateful for this challenge. Will you join us as we RISE UP to continue to share the Gospel by extending agriculture education? You can send your check to HITHMI, 352 W Clinton St, Frankfort IN 46041 or
Make your online donation today by clicking the button below:
The picture above on the left is from 2014 when well known agri-business/hog producer/feed miller Malcolm DeKryger came from Indiana for visit at the campus. Malcolm did some pig production training and introduced the topic of AI (artificial insemination). He was just seven years ahead of the audience. Today on the right, a student, Peter, has been working very hard with the resources our former intern Lynnsey provided, to see the pig genetics improve in Liberia at a much faster and controllable rate.
Remember Gonbar Burh? Gonbar came on the ARC team as a goat shepherd. While doing a very good job for the goats Gonbar spent time learning Farming God's Way. Gonbar learned enough at the ARC that he has taken his knowledge and started his own farm. Look at those straight lines, God's blanket, and limited weeds. Then check out the size of that mushroom! Gonbar posted these pictures on this FB page giving a testimony to Farming God's Way. Thank you Gonbar for your hard work.
The month of September brought a lot of activities with the Agriculture students at LICC. Please go to our website and read more about their activities.

The month of September gave me a rough time as I was not feeling well and very sick for eleven days. I tell God thank you as I am feeling much better. During this time there were over 220 visitors at the ARC.
The experiment plots of Soybeans conducted by CARI in collaboration with LICC, saw the harvesting of the beans started on the twenty fifth of August, 2021. CARI's staff collected the quantities of seeds they needed. The rest was turned over to the ARC to manage. Thank God, the results of those plots are encouraging.
We continue to build development and this month we sold several products from livestock feed, eggs, printing, grafted oranges, lemons, ducks, piglets and aloe vera.
We have put in order for one hundred and fifty broilers, a day old chicks. The goal is to prepare for Christmas sale.
I thank God for the return of pastor Bill from the States. He donated a jungle bike to help the Farming God's Way visit or follow up trips. We thank God for such a remarkable gift.
Though the agricultural development in Liberia has not fully addressed the problems facing our beloved country, but thanks be to God that the process is beginning.
May this good God, the Father of Jesus Christ, the creator of the universe, continue to lead us to discover more about value added Agriculture initiatives.
Pray that God bless Liberia to rise up to realize her full potential in food sciences, applied sciences as well as making sound and logical decisions that will help in nation building. We always pray you know how grateful we are for your kind support of our work, thank you for not forgetting about us.
* For the improvement of health in the staff | * For more hearts transformed for Christ |
* For the three young me who accepted Christ into their hearts | * For unity in the team at LICC and ARC |
* For reaching our RISE UP Vehicle Goal | * To raise the $15,000.00 in matching grant funds by January 2022. |
