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Pictured above is Pastor Eliazar Gbangen, this man knows his Jesus, he knows the Bible, and when you attend his Sunday service you depart filled with the blessings of the Holy Spirit. It is exciting to see Pastor Gbangen enthusiastic about Farming God's Way and the love that Pastor Sebald and Michael have for sharing Jesus while building up agriculture development among the poorest of the poor. This training took place in Domah Town. For the month of April there were over 3 trainings conducted in various places, including the ARC, over 60 people heard the Gospel and learned new ways to farm. Praise the Lord for your support of this program.



These two fellows are not strangers to you - Ezekiel and Peter are the "Mid-Managers" at the ARC, newly LICC Agriculture graduates and working hard to see a better, food secure Liberia. These guys penciled out, planned out, and carried out a mission to secure a higher quality, less costly additive for the poultry feed. In April we received the long awaited kernel cake ordered from Buchanan, Grand Bassa County. The idea of this order was reached months ago. However this success bring us joy because the delay made the order to be considered as wrong idea. Praise God for His intervention that cause us to receive the goods. This poultry project is way the team at the ARC works with Liberian farmers to supply a better feed to the farmers so they in turn have livestock they can actually sell at a profit. This sales relationship is more than a transaction, bringing farmers on the ARC and having them interact with the team is a chance for the team to share the Gospel and witness about the work God is doing in the lives of their families. Thank you for supporting this project.



The picture above was provided by Hans and Angie Vargas when an interest came from a fashion design major to join the team set to travel to Peru in August. "What could I contribute" was the questioned asked by this young college graduate? Without missing a beat Hans sent this picture and said children in the village could use repairs, alterations, and in some cases new uniforms, your gifts and talents will certainly be in high demand. We always smile when we get to see God bring His children together for purposes and work we have no idea could happen, He does it over and over on these trips. Never doubt the gifts God has given you to share with others. Want to support the team members on this trip? Please click the link below and you can mission your mission trip donation (to cover the cost of materials for new uniforms, shoes, and family boxes (food, medicines) that will be provided to families in the villages. This link will give you the option to designate your gift.



Farming God's Way is not taught using fancy equipment or tools. The team will say "we meet people with what they have in their hands". Now, if people have fancy equipment or tools in their hands, wonderful, we still have room to share how the Biblical tools and key management principles will help them improve their agriculture production and their heart for God's people. The picture above is probably the simplest way to demonstrate why it is important to finish your planting stations by covering them with God's blanket. In other parts of the world that are more food secure farmers will plant a cover crop that protects the land from continued erosion after the harvest. Liberians do not have excess food to plant a radish cover crop but they do have access to overgrowth around their fields to cover up the newly planted seeds. The picture above shows a potential field that is covered and one that is not. When the rains come, and Liberia gets over 200 inches of rain a year, the mulch covered or God's Blanket covered fields will stop the kinetic energy of the rain and disperses the droplets so they can be absorbed slowly into the soil. This will stop the compaction of the soil and over a few seasons of planting improves the conditions of the soil.




It is our prayer at the ARC (Agriculture Research Center) you know that we know we are blest by you people and we pray that through your support our work will be a blessing to Liberia. We pray for you and thank God that you pray for us. Do you know how many people come to train, to learn, to visit with us each month? For April we had close to 700 visitors at the ARC. That is 700 people who have the opportunity to see the work of God through you people.

The work in the fence has begun. Three plots have been hoed and covered with God's blanket. Sweet Corn will be planted in one of the plots and bean in the other. The third plot's crop will be decided later as we complete the first two.

We continue to work on our fish ponds with a renewed energy and focus to see our ponds produce food and our community to learn how to raise fish. We will get there, please continue to pray for us as we grow in this work.

The fight is how do we change our weakness into our strength. We hope to explore as many ways as possible in order to reach the desired goal. Pray for God to grant us wisdom in the fight of changing our weakness into our strength. With God everything is possible.



As the Lord continues to direct the work of the mission the board needs to be discerning for future work.

The board is looking for people, families, who feel called to serve on the mission field at the Agriculture Research Center in Liberia.

The purpose of HITHMI is to seek to cultivate Christ’s hope in underdeveloped and impoverished areas of the world through agricultural and personal transformation. Building on borrowed talent, the mission seeks to impact attitudes and practices that will promote the economic and social well being of individuals, from a conviction that a changed life results from a Christ-changed heart. This work is carried out as a partner for LICC on the campus of LICC and around Liberia.

This calling is not specific to agriculture education or working only with college students. If that is an area of experience, it would be great but not a requirement. There are many ways to serve in Liberia especially but not limited to these areas:

Budget and finance management

Life skills training and entrepreneurial development

Demonstrating and training in Farming God’s Way

Tropical livestock management

Greenhouse and plant nursery management

Teaching at various academic levels

Electrical, plumbing, maintenance


Maybe you can commit six months maybe three years or maybe who knows how long.

If you have an interest in learning more please contact us at the email below and we will set up a time to hear from you and learn more about your interest as we discern God’s steps for the work in Liberia.

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