I said, ‘Plant the good seeds of righteousness,
and you will harvest a crop of love.
Plow up the hard ground of your hearts,
for now is the time to seek the Lord,
that he may come
and shower righteousness upon you.’ Hosea 10:12 NLT
My goodness it has been some time since our last update, not because of lack of news, we have plenty to share. Since our last Update we have experienced changes in the team (missionaries, engagement and board), changes in our in-reach, and changes in our communication. Our mission team saw the Glenns return to the USA at the end of 2022. While the work of the Glenns is surely missed, the mission has benefited in 2023 from the visits of over 10 short term missionaries hosted generously by the Sebalds (Bill and Holly are incredible hosts).
The engagement of the team in Liberia has a different leadership approach. There is a team of three leading the ARC with Mark Kolleh as the Operations Coordinator, Konah Drogbay as the Community Relations Coordinator, and Peter Tokpah as the Agriculture Coordinator.
We will continue to use our newsletter to share updates on a quarterly basis and special announcements as needed plus we post often on our Facebook page: Hope in the Harvest Missions International.
The team recognized they needed more boots on the ground to accomplish not only sharing Farming God's Way but following up on what has been shared and encouraging farmers to continue to apply what they have learned. The first three plus months of 2023 Pastor Bill, Konah, and Michael have gone out to 15 areas for either new training, follow up training, or follow up encouragement visits. What a blessing. The training has been with Farmers Cooperatives, the incoming Freshmen students at LICC, communities brought together by the World Food Program, Churches, villages, and even the City Council staff of Gompa, several hundred people have received Biblical based agriculture training, thanks to your support to help prepare the way.
Preparing for another rainy season was the plan, although there was more rain in the "dry" season then there has been in a while. The above pictures are of the gutter system being built above the ARC at the security booth to capture water off the sports field sending it to the swamp. We would like to complete this project by the end of May. We have a generous matching gift to finish the work, if we raise $4,000.00 we will received $4,000.00.
Please consider donating today by clicking the link below which will take you to our donation site. If you contribute $500.00 we will send you a "10 Year Strong" Hope In The Harvest shirt made the Women's Resource Group on campus.
The picture below shows off the new metal cages for the rabbits. The weather and booga bugs "termites" make short life spans for the wooden rabbit cages. Finally material in Liberia is available and the team purchased supplies to have these cages built. This will help the team maintain the rabbit fluffel.
The next area of attention has been with the goat herd. Many of you remember that our dear Peter Tozay retired but Peter has graciously returned from time to time to train and share knowledge with the team. On this occasion, in the picture below, he (white shirt) worked with Peter Tokpah (green shirt) and others on vaccinating the goats.
Hope In The Harvest Missions International is entering it's 11th year of work in Liberia. 11 years of partnerships, friendships, and discipleship. We are filled with gratitude to participate in God's call for growing Liberia.
We are filled with gratitude:
That Mark's wife (who was in a car accident that took the lives of others) continues to improve under the care that Holly and Ruth are pouring into her.
That the team continues to work, meet, and operate as one unit for the goal of growing Christ in the hearts of Liberians as agriculture knowledges grows in Liberia.
That short term guests and visitors are pouring into the communities and people.
We pray for:
The family of George Zigbuo as they continue to grieve George's untimely passing.
The healing of Michael Dahn's foot as he suffers from unknown swelling.
The encouragement of Bill and Holly Sebald as they give tirelessly of themselves on the field.
We pray for the LICC students to grow in faith and love of Christ.
We pray for the team as that they become faithful leaders in their homes and communities.
We pray for the 100's of farmers, visitors, friends, and guests who come to the ARC each month to be refreshed, renewed, and replenished in the Holy Spirit.
We pray for our Champions and supporters who share the story of the work of Hope In The Harvest Missions International to be excited for the work being done.
We pray that our financial needs are met allowing the work to continue and grow.
Until next time please continue to follow us on Facebook!