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On Mission Update August 2021



Above is Hope In The Harvest Missions International Board President Gary Adams welcoming everyone to the annual mission report and dinner. This year the dinner focused on our RISE UP Campaign. It was a lovely evening shared by Champions of the mission, missionaries, board members, mission team members (thank you Choi-Ha and Caleb for sharing) and interns (thank you Lynnsey for your insight), and we had a few viewers on the live stream (the sound catches up in the video posted on our website). All together the mission raised close to $7,000.00 for operations, thank you to every one who joined us.

Below is the RISE UP Campaign report as of the end of August.



The mission continues to face new opportunities to make more repairs. The current drivable vehicle needs to undergo its own repairs as we continue to raise funds for the purchase of a reliable vehicle. The newest new to us vehicle is not operational and the board approved what will be about a $730.00 (wire and repair cost) expense in order for the missionaries to have "reliable" transportation. We always take every uneventful day with extreme thankfulness and for those eventful days we take as learning opportunities. We are grateful that Nathan Glenn is able to keep track of the details of these vehicle repairs.



Anna Glenn is busy with another semester at LICC. The praise is that Anna is finding Agriculture Professors who are eager to see their students learn. Bugging the students to get outside the classroom walls is an exciting approach to learning. Professor Soluteh instructing the plant pathology course at LICC required the students to go to the fields, collect 10 insects, and preserve them for study all semester long. LICC is breaking the old habits on theory only learning in Liberia way to go Ag Department!



Bill and Holly Sebald spent some of their furlough time attending the Farming God's Way USA training. This year there were 12 States and 22 countries represented at the training. Bill taught on Demonstration/Experiments and led the group through the Well Watered Garden session. We have heard from the Farming God's Way facilitators present that Bill's Well Watered Garden session was the best they had seen.



August saw the Agriculture Research Center (ARC) staying busy with students returning for the semester. During vacation, not many people that visited the ARC but we still had over one hundred visitors for the month. They comprised of farmers, NGO's and community dwellers.

Our other Farming God's Way trainer, Michael (many of you prayed for him for his recovery from his accident) paid a visit to Gbarnga, in Bong County (about an hour drive) to assist another mission GTL to help them transplant their grafted oranges as well as sweet potato.

We rejoiced in the arrival of 14 piglets this month born at the ARC. We use the sale of pigs as a chance to bring new people to the ARC who want to buy a pig. They see our love for the Lord and His creation and want to learn more about God's Way Agriculture Production.

As we are striving to create the spirit of ownership, by driving the workers to utilize their time wisely and to increase efficiency as well as productive; and we appreciate the HITHMI looking for way to increase staff salary as the six hours work per week will decrease the amount being used to hire daily hired. The goal here is to build Liberia through capacity building in partnership.

Thank for your prayers and financial support in the quest to improve lives in Liberia.



2022 will soon be here, will you be with us on a mission trip? We hope so! Hope in the Harvest Missions International has two big milestones ahead. 2022 is our 10 year birthday of being a 501c3 and 2023 is the Agriculture Research Center's 10 year since the ground breaking! The first mission trip for 2022 will be led by Ruth and Russ Schwartz. The time frame for the trip is mid January to early February. Costs will be determined soon. The first call out meeting will be Sunday September 12th, location and time to be determined.

Call Ruth Schwartz for more details, 317-850-5408. In the meantime check you passport - you cannot travel if your expiration date of your passport is 6 months from your date of travel. You cannot travel if you only have one blank page left in the passport. Do not wait and experience anxiety of awaiting your passport to be mailed back, check yours today and renew now if necessary!

Are you interested joining us on a mission trip and cannot make the January 2022 trip work? Or maybe you are interested in leading a mission trip sometime in 2022 or 2023 - let us know by emailing us at

See you at the ARC!



* 114 Students make up this semester * May the love of Christ fill their

Agriculture Department hearts

* The new website is up and running * We continue to grow Champions

* LICC received a $25,000 UN Grant * We manage to build new projects

for developing a feed business fiscally and spiritually balanced

* Funds for the RISE UP Challenge * That we will raise the $57,000.00

to get us closer to our goal

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